Vietmanese classmates had a BBQ party in Bronte beach and invited me to join them.
越南同學昨天跟我說今天他們在Bronte Beach有烤肉會, 問我要不要一起來
因為放假其實也沒事, 所以出來走走也好~ :D

This is centeral station where we met each other at 11 am.
這是雪梨的Centeral station, 原本是約10點要在這裡等, 不過我是到十一點才等到人....
central station 

This is Bronte Beach!
這就是美麗的Bronte Beach啦 (ps.Bronte發音是"布朗替", 雪梨有很多發音很特別的地名~)bronte beach 

Australian like to write something in the sky, such as promoting something or proposing.
在澳洲已經看過很多次天空寫字了, 不過這次是告白或求婚耶, 很浪漫!

There were so many people doing sunbathe and surfing though the temperature was not very high.  
別看這樣豔陽高照跟沙灘躺滿人的樣子, 其實還蠻冷的, 我一整天外套都沒脫呢...:S

She is a very cute baby, and she is only 1 and half years old.
這個小妹妹超可愛, 不過我因為拍了這張照片, 被她媽媽念了好一會...下次會記得先問人家的媽媽給不給照...

Although we ate BBQ at 3 pm, we really enjoyed today.
其實去海灘還照了不少像, 不過好像一直忘了跟同學拿照片了...
那天直到三點, 烤肉會的主角才出現....就是不知道為什麼, 分配到買肉的人居然沒來...
等到真的很餓, 連洋芋片, 沙拉跟水果都快被喀光了, 去重買的人才買回來
扣掉這段等待的時間, 其實BBQ算是很好玩囉  :D

ps 不過, 下次我會知道不要再跟越南人約烤肉了, 不然就是要先吃飽再來... (這句話只能用中文寫了...XD)


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