Last night, there were two friends visiting us.
And there was an “interesting” conversation happened.
someone: Are you a overseas student?
me: Sure, for one year masters.
someone: The reason you come here is getting married with a foreigner.
Don’t you?
me: Do you think you can find a person want to marry you during a year?
someone: But you must think about it before.
me: What I think is it cannot be “thought” or “ planned.”
And “The plan can not run into the changes.”
someone: But everything in the world always changes.
me: That’s why I said it cannot be planned.
It may be happened in the future,
but it is not part of my schedule absolutely.
現在的人腦袋是怎樣, 單身出國就是一定要跳機就對了?! 快30才出國就犯法啦?!...= =
要是我以前大概就會回他”沒辦法, 不是每個人都像你這種公子一樣,
從小就可以被爸媽送出國, 所以我只能快30了才靠自己出國念書”
Damn it!